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This tour is under the management of Pondicherry Beach Escapes – A unit of Guru Sri Sithananda Private Limited, which has made all arrangements for services furnished in conjunction with this tour. Pondicherry Beach Escapes  and its representatives shall be responsible for supplying the services offered to the participants as set forth in the tour itinerary except such services as cannot be supplied due to delays or other causes beyond the control of Pondicherry Beach Escapes  and its representatives. The participant waives any claim against Pondicherry Beach Escapes, for any damage to or loss of property or injury to or death of persons due to any act or omission of any persons rendering any of the services, or due to any event, happening, misfortune, or occurrence whatsoever.

Pondicherry Beach Escapes will not be held responsible for any delays, substitution of equipment or any act or omission whatsoever by the carrier, its agents, servants, and employees, and the participant hereby waives any claim arising therefrom.

If we have less registered participants than intended, we reserve the right to cancel the trip or provide the clients with alternative travel dates. The right is reserved to decline or accept any person as a member of the tour and to require any individual to withdraw from the tour at any time, if the tour leader deems his/her act of conduct is detrimental to or incompatible with the interest, harmony, comfort or well-being of any participant, or results in any penalty to the operators. Additional expenses, if any, shall be borne by the participant(s). In the event this tour is cancelled, all deposits and other monies paid by the participant will be promptly refunded.

Payment Terms
  • 100% advance
  • Cancellations must be submitted in advance.
  • Cancellations 3 days before the departure date are eligible for 10% of Package Cost refund.
  • Cancellations 1 day before the departure date are eligible for 30% of Package Cost refund.
  • Cancellations less than 24 hours before the departure date are not eligible for any refund.

Note : No refunds are provided for unused services.